How I unsuccessfully tried to help someone
Some people really are beyond help
Jamal is a 29 years old man with some problems. He’s been trying to meet with me for a while now.
He wanted advice on how he can transform his life.
I am not a counselor or a therapist, but apparently, I always give good advice and people around me tend to seek it constantly.
Today, I finally invited Jamal to my office for that chat he’s been asking for and we got talking. I had a list of questions to ask and wisdom to share.
The Talk
Jamal has one problem, he has a story and tells it as well as if he has memorized it.
Jamal’s story is that of being adopted as a baby by an older white couple. Unfortunately, they both died just before he turned 18.
Before they did, they reunited him with his biological parents.
According to Jamal, his biological family didn’t receive him with open arms. He believes it’s because he “talks white” (those were his exact word — not mine) therefore they don’t consider him “black enough.” (whatever that is)
Jamal joined the Marines but was kicked out after two years for using illegal drugs.