9 Tips On How Do Deal With Creditors In Your Personal Or Business Life.

When the wolf is at the door.

Muchina T.K
4 min readNov 26, 2022

It happens to most of us at one time or another. It could be due to a struggling economy, mismanagement of funds, sickness, emergency home repairs, medical emergencies, the loss of a job, or a myriad of other reasons that could set our financial situation on a downward trajectory or even wipe us out financially.

When there isn’t enough money to go around, financial issues dominate our thoughts causing worry and uncertainty which results in stress. If we’re not careful, this challenging situation can also tarnish our shiny reputation with creditors, bankers, or even friends and families who stepped in to help.

I’ve been there. Maybe you’ve been there. I know the feeling of frustration and embarrassment. When you’re powerless to pay your bills or your debt, you just want to bury your head in the sand.

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I highly DO NOT recommend it. The consequences always end up being worse than confronting the issue head-on.

So, instead of doing that, let’s create a system to help you deal with this (hopefully) temporary ordeal.

Tip #1: Be Proactive:

In my experience, people may forget that they owe you money, but they never…



Muchina T.K
Muchina T.K

Written by Muchina T.K

I question everything...and then write about it. I'm probably not going to help you "make money writing." But I might teach you a thing or two ..or not.

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